
1. Supported Living

Our Supported Living is crafted to offer unique and person centred support for the people that you love.

We aim to support people with long term mental Health conditions, autism, learning disabilities, mental health illness, challenging behaviour both children and adults,

Whether our service users are living by themselves, in our offered accommodation or in their own accommodation, our supported living services are designed to offer person-centred support to enable our service users to live an independent life in their own homes. We make sure that the homes that our service users live in are often existing properties that have been specifically converted to provide the right environment for those with particular needs. We offer support and encourage the development of personal skills, and technical skills by encouraging further education. The support provided is flexible and based on individual needs. Our trained team of dedicated support workers are experienced and help our service users to socialise, make new friends, develop good life hobbies, integrate and form healthy relationships.

Encouraging independence, personal growth, and community participation.

2. Sitting and Respite Services

We offer the best home sitting service and best respite care services in Wigan, Manchester. Caring for someone demands hardworking and a substantial amount of your time. Service users’ needs must met be with 100% satisfactory rate. MaCSure Support believes the wellbeing of service users and our carers is equally important.

We offer Respite Care and Sitting Services in a short term arrangements providing you with carers in your own home for 24 hours per day. This could be for a holiday, overnight or a weekend, shopping, cleaning or any emergency that requires extra support. This can provide a good relief on pressure that can be exerted on families.

Trauma-informed, person-centered approaches to promote stability and well-being

3. Children’s Homes

We provide Be-Spoke Children’s home designed and furnished according to the needs of particular individual children in order to provide personalised care. We provide homes that are assessed for the safe keep of children allowing Children to live comfortable at the same time enabling them to integrate in the community they live in. We seek council planning permission, to enable comfortable sitting spaces, green garden and playing areas. We also carry out a thorough Risk Assessment of our homes to make sure that they are in safe and friendly communities.

Creating a safe, therapeutic environment for children with trauma histories and challenging behaviours.

4. Domicilliary Care

At MaCSure Support, we are especially compassionate in providing a bespoke home visiting person-centred care which is suitable for individual needs. We provide ongoing visiting care at your home to enable you to live comfortably in your house. We help with house chores like personal care, cleaning the house, laundry, help with medication and meal preparation, and also companionship. We will provide adequate assessment to see what level of support is required. We provide selected team members to our service provide to make sure that tasks are done to the service user’s expectation and satisfaction.

All Our Services are Designed to allow the Following: